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4 Smart Items to Always Keep in Your Car

We gathered four smart essentials to keep in your car year-round – all of which can be found at

1. Emergency backpack

Opt for an emergency backpack that supports two people for at least 72 hours. If you're often toting multiple passengers, double up on supplies or choose a backpack that supports four.

Pro-Tip: Keep stock of what's in your kit and replenish as needed. Store additional batteries for flashlights or a radio, along with extra bandages and ointments in the first-aid kit.

2. Trunk organizer

Optimize space using a trunk organizer to stock useful items, such as tire chains or umbrellas. Group seasonal items so you know just where to find them.

Pro-Tip: Collapsible traffic cones can increase visibility by up to 800 feet and fit snugly within the trunk. Opt for cones that are illuminated with LED lights; just be sure to test the batteries often.

3. Durable snacks

Keep snacks with a longer shelf life at the ready, such as jerky, peanut butter, crackers or granola bars. Tell your family that you've stashed one unopened box in the trunk for true emergencies - snacking not allowed.

Pro-Tip: Store a case of water in the trunk for emergency use. Regularly replenish reusable water bottles up front for daily use. Don't forget tissues for sniffles and spills.

4. Jumper cables

Drivers who have jumper cables when a battery is in need of a boost can save the day. Have never used a pair? Seek out lessons and learn to safely operate them before you find yourself in a pinch.

Pro-Tip: Store jumper cables tightly coiled in plastic, 1-gallon zip-top bag outside of direct exposure to sunlight to help prevent the deterioration of the insulation surrounding the wires.