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Our Sustainability Commitment

Doing the right thing for our community and world

Here we explain our efforts and steps to achieve our global sustainability goals. These efforts are grounded in our Mission Statement and Code of Ethics.

Our Guiding Principles


For Costco to thrive, the world must thrive — we are committed to doing our part.


We focus on issues related to our business and where we can contribute to real, results-driven positive impact.


We do not have all the answers, we are learning as we go and seek continuous improvement.

Our Holistic Approach

We have aligned our sustainability efforts and initiatives with the way we structure and think about our business, which is a holistic and integrated approach to sustainability. Three primary pillars drive our initiatives, all of which are supported by our Climate Action Plan. We also align our efforts with seven of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that relate most closely to our business.

06 Clean Water & Sanitation
08 Decent Work & Economic Growth
10 Reduced
12 Responsible Consumption & Production
13 Climate
14 Life
Below Water
15 Life
On Land

Our Primary Pillars

Our Climate Action Plan

Our Climate Action Plan supports our holistic approach and our primary pillars.

Additional Resources & Reports

This section offers links to our governance and reporting policies, including SASB and TCFD, our sourcing policies, a consolidated version of this Commitment, and archived versions.

For questions or more information, please contact Costco Customer Service.

Last Updated: December 2023