Language Translation Services

Free language assistance services are available at all Costco Pharmacies for those pharmacy customers whose primary language is not English and who cannot adequately communicate in English.

Our goal is to assist our non-English speaking Customers to understand the safe and effective use of prescription medications, and otherwise communicate effectively with the pharmacy staff.

List of Interpretation Services Available

Pharmacy Customer Bill of Rights for Language Services

Oral Translation Service of Medication Information

Costco provides language translation services via Language Line. Language Line is a company that offers oral translation of over 200 languages for non-English speaking patients. Language Line also offers American Sign Language. Let the pharmacy staff know you need language assistance and they will confirm your desired language and connect with a Language Line interpreter.

Printed Translation of Medication Information

Medication instructions can be provided in written format that can be translated into over 20 different languages onsite at the pharmacy.

Assistance for Visually Impaired Customers

Costco offers two products called ScriptView (large print) and Script Talk (talking labels). The retail pharmacy can order labels in a large print format or an audible label to be read with a reading device. The retail pharmacy can assist you in obtaining an audible label reading device or an application that can be downloaded that will serve the same function. Please note that when ordering a new prescription or a refill, the pharmacy will need to order labels that are printed in a large font and include an RF chip to transmit audible instructions to the reading device.

Costco Pharmacy Language Translation Services

Costco Pharmacy Non-Discrimination and Accessibility Policy

Notice of Patient Access Services

Non-discrimination and Equal Access Grievance Procedure

  • Qualified sign language service
  • Information in alternate formats
  • Qualified interpreters
  • Information written in other languages